Eighteen weeks later—the deals are closed, done, finito. Week 1 MKMME I posted that we listed our city apartment for sale and today, 1/31/18, the sale closed. As it happened, we closed the purchase upstate 1/23/18. Even though the checks are not even in the bank yet, it already feels as though it couldn’t have been as hard as it seemed! It all worked out as it should have.

We also packed out of our expensive storage space yesterday, and brought our camper van from storage up to one of the barns last week. I think it’s done, done, done.

Self-control was my Franklin Makeover this week. Perfect one as I’m leading a group of folks on a 7-day cleanse this week. And also that the twists and turns of each day have been hard to manage; however, we persisted and won!

Since the closing for today was not scheduled until the last moment a few days ago, I already had a work trip planned to Phoenix, AZ. Giving my husband Power of Attorney for the deal, I kept my trip on track and the sunshine has been so amazing. It was hot and squinty sun and felt like the warmth of the fire all around.

We have been starting the fire every morning at new home. I might be reliving my Little House on the Prarie fantasy, but it also just feels like coming home at last.


Lava is the place, in the town of Narrowsburg, in the Township of Tusten, in the County of Sullivan, in the State of New York.

Flashing my index cards, I know my dreams are coming true. I’m sold on me and all of what I conceive will be.


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